Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Heading South...

"Porque tanto amo Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo unigenito, para que todo el que cree en el no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna." Jn 3:16

Monday, May 08, 2006


Dustin, ask/harrass and you shall receive... :)

Top Ten Reasons Why You Too Should Be Friends with Dustin Bennett

10) Built-in blog update alerts. Never be delayed in posting again... Apparently this service comes free with the friendship. I did not read the fine print.
9) He has absolutely no mercy when playing "Halo" with girls.
8) R2D2 - enough said.
7) Do you know anyone else who can get away with using the phrase "jacked up" over 16 times while teaching a Sunday School lesson???
6) Have you met his nephew Noah? Anyone who can take down Todd Richards in a dancing duel at such a young age has a great future ahead of him.
5) Great encourager and brother in Christ
4) Who can't love the fact that he is now the BIG 3-0 and still refers to himself in the third person as "The Redhead" and "D-Lux"?
3) His passion and desire to serve the Lord
2) Have you met his wife Megan? She's fantastic!!
1) Because he obviously knows the way to the gunshow!! ;)

Nothing but love for you my friend... ;)

If you have enjoyed what you've read here and are interested in being Dustin's friend, be sure to check out more exciting tales from the Redhead.