Friday, January 27, 2006

Confessions of Reading A.D.D.

I thought this was an interesting post by Al Mohler about his Thoughts on Reading Books. I too can never remember a time when I didn't love to read. During the summers growing up, my mother would always take us to the local library where we would bring home stacks of books for the week. Today, I still have stacks of books everywhere, in bookcases, baskets, on my nightstand, etc... But here in lies my problem, I have extreme A.D.D. when it comes to reading. There are so many things that I find interesting. So often, I will read something in one book that will cause me to ask a question that I will want to look up or research in another book, and so the tangled web begins where I find myself in the middle of 8-10 books at a time.

Secretly, I love it, because it challenges me to integrate the thoughts of the authors I'm reading, compare the similarities and recognize the differences, and decide where I stand. But often, I'm envious of those who can say definitively, "I'm reading through xxx, right now!" Or those who can add the "What I'm reading now" section to their blog, without readers mistakenly thinking that they have stumbled into

I've learned to be more disciplined over the years by allowing myself a little wandering during my reading, but refocusing to my original book or passage of reading much more quickly. I agree with several of Dr. Mohler's suggestions - it has helped to have a plan for my reading, and it has also helped to be reading something with another person or through a small group study because of the built-in accountability. I don't think I will ever completely change my ways, but I'm ok with that.


Erin said...

I'm with you, Jessica! I also have fond memories of going to the library with my Mom and brother on a regular basis. I got away from it in college b/c I was reading so many textbooks, but somewhat recently, I have rediscovered the joys of reading once again. I also read several things at once, but for me it has more to do with my change in moods - sometimes I feel like reading something serious, sometimes something fun, etc... Thanks for the link to the article! I enjoyed it and will also try to integrate some of his suggestions into my reading "curriculum."

Laurie said...

My roommates make fun of me because I STILL go to the library and check out books. But I have to read them all the way through...I can't fathom being able to leave a book half-finished.

Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

Laurie, I can relate... I am a full-fledged Houston library card holder as well. I've probably been to 3-4 across Houston, and when I was working downtown for a couple of years, I took advantage of the DT library on my lunchbreaks. :)

Unfortunately for my bank account, lately, I've gotten away from libraries, mostly because I love to highlight and write in the books that I'm really studying through, and for some reason the librarians tend to frown upon that. :)

Anonymous said...

You should have guessed I would post a comment on this one...

I usually have a running book queue about six or seven deep - and unfortunately for my bank account, I also buy my books (also a pain bc I move so much). Currently I have forbidden myself from buying any new books until I have finished at least most of my current stack!

Jessica said...

Paul - Good luck with that! I admire your discipline...

I think if I took that approach I'd be set for the next 5 years at least!