Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Momma Duck, Daddy Duck, Ducklings!!!

A while back I blogged about the rented ducks and geese that inhabit my client's office complex... When I returned from our trip to Lake Louise, I was surprised and delighted to see that there are some new additions!! Ducklings for everyone!

They really are the cutest things following their mothers all over the place in groups of 3-4. Some are all yellow, but most are yellow with black markings. Everyone walking into work is loving it and stopping to take pictures on their camera phones.

So here's my question... Did the overall contract rental price for the ducks and geese just go up? How much can a baby duckling really cost? I don't know, but they are adorable...


Chris said...
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Chris said...

we've got tons of squirrels at Rice, and let me tell you they're biggins too!! :)

erin vanv said...

What do they do with the ducks when it's not rental season?

Jessica said...

Good question Erin... I'm assuming it is a year-round thing, but I guess they might have to move them to other locations at some point if they keep reproducing!

Dustin said...

they look like they would make a good snack...

Me said...

We have cute ducks, rabbits, and deer . . . but also the occasional yucky possum or snake (and sometimes coyotes I think). At least the animals that are usually outside my window are the cute ducks!

Anonymous said...

I had a think about the cost/duckling and my guess is that it would depend on a couple things:
- are ducklings included as costs in the overall 'duck, duck, goose' package? Or is there a duckling surcharge which is added whenever their ducks procreate? Are ducklings charged out at a body weight percentage of full grown ducks?
- Perhaps ducklings are added bonuses, and you only are renting mature 'ducks' - in which case, maybe the ducklings are free and your cost/duck goes down significantly...

This was a complicated question Jessica, thanks for getting my thinking about it - it should occupy the rest of my Friday...

Jessica said...

Paul - You have got to get out of consulting... Before it's too late... :)

Dustin said...

ducklings, the other white meat...

Jessica said...

What is with you... scary Dustin!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did someone forget Deluxe's birthday? Everybody loves ducklings.

But if you insist on duck for dinner, let me recommend Tour D'Argent.

Erin said...

Isn't duck dark meat?

Jessica said...

Kirk - are you implying that Dustin is becoming senile in his old age???